
Monday, 9 April 2018

Handwriting Sample

We have been learning to form our letters correctly and to use capital letters in the correct place.
I am good at writing neat and tidy. I need to work on getting my letters sloping the same way.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Self Portarit art

Self Portrait ArtTerm 1 2018 We are learning how to sketch our faces accurately using pencil. We are learning how to be inspired by an artist to use different techniques and skills to create a self portrait. Here is a picture of my pencil sketch. Self-Assessment: I have sketched my facial features accurately. I have used the pencil to add detail to my face I can use pastels to draw a self portrait with Picasso effects. Here is a picture of my Picasso portrait. What did you enjoy? I enjoyed colouring in with pastle What did you find hard? I found hard shaping all the stuff on my face